

Best places to study for fi nals WBY ANNA SPIVAK hether you’ve been stressing about a fi nal because you missed that last review session, or keeping your cool since you know you did that extra credit, everyone needs some last minute peace and coff ee when it comes to reviewing for fi nals. Take a deep breath, do some quick stretches to get your bod into work mode, and check out some of these A+ spots for studying near you: YOUR LOCAL PUBLIC LIBRARY While it may seem silly to opt for your local library versus your campus library, the switch might do you a world of studying good. When you walk into a campus library during fi nals week, the air is tense, people are cramming, and running into your friends might pose a distraction. At your local library, the only thing running is the Gingerbread Man via the children’s book section. The overall environment is a bit more serene and can provide just the right atmosphere for optimal studying. ANY LOCAL CAFÉ/ SANDWICH SHOP Keeping your tummy full is just as important as getting the right amount of sleep during fi nals week. Kill two birds with one stone at any local café by ordering up a protein-fi lled salad or sandwich before diving right into that textbook at the table. THE GYM While this may seem somewhat counterproductive, studying at the gym might become your new favorite way to gear up for fi nals once you try it. More likely than not, it will be quiet since everyone else decided to heaveho to the library. Make a compact study sheet and take it with you for a light walk on the treadmill. Making the study sheet in the fi rst place will help you review, and staying active, even for a little bit during fi nals week, can really help improve your mood. A LOCAL COFFEE SHOP Although you may be a regular at your local Starbucks (and the baristas may fi nally know how to spell your name correctly), you might want to trade in studying at the popular chain for a more quaint location. While the music selection is often relaxing, with the morning/mid-afternoon rush at any Starbucks, they might as well be blasting death metal if you are trying to study. Your local coff ee shop probably off ers up a similar variety of beverages to that of Starbucks and, most likely, will have way more available outlets for your laptop since everyone else is probably vying to snag one at Starbucks. QNS.COM SPRING 2017 13

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