

publisher from the JOSHUA SCHNEPS | Publisher | Aspire Joshua Schneps // [email protected] LIKE US Aspire College Magazine  FOLLOW US @aspiremag PUBLISHER & ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Joshua Schneps [email protected] EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Helen Klein [email protected] SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE Keith Fiocca EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Jaime DeJesus Jack Mandel Meaghan McGoldrick Anna Spivak ASPIRE COLLEGE MAGAZINE 38-15 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 224-5863 Fax (718) 224-5441 www.qns.com ENTIRE CONTENTS COPYRIGHT 2015 BY ASPIRE PUBLICATIONS LLC No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced without prior written permission of ASPIRE COLLEGE MAGAZINE. The publishers will not be responsible for any error in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Errors must be reported within five days of publication. Ad position cannot be guaranteed unless paid prior to publication. ASPIRE PUBLICATIONS assumes no liability for the content or reply to any ads. The advertiser assumes all liability for the content of and all replies. The advertiser agrees to hold ASPIRE COLEGE MAGAZINE and its employees harmless from all cost, expenses, liabilities, and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Aspire wants you to be part of our magazine! If you have a comment about an already published article, let us know! If you have an idea for a story (whether you’d like to write it or not), tell us! What would you like to see more of? Less of? Have a short story, poem, photograph or piece of artwork you would like us to showcase in the publication or online? Contact us right away! We’re open to all kinds of suggestions that would help make Aspire the best college magazine out there! Email us at: [email protected] A break from tradition Ah, spring break! Bad beach movies aside – and who among us hasn’t seen at least one of them – the time off from class just as the weather is hopefully beginning to warm up is a cherished tradition among college students. Depending on your preference, it can be a week to catch some rays and act silly in Cancun or Palm Beach, or a week to finish all those term papers that have been piling up, preferably with a little R & R to sweeten the effort. Or – and hear me out, here – it can be a chance for you to get involved in democracy at the real grass roots level. If anything, the tumultuous 2016 presidential election has brought into the forefront the fact that your vote has consequences, and that not voting is, very simply, not an option. Whatever side of the partisan divide you fall on, it’s more important than ever to be engaged, in order to influence the future of your country, your state, your city. Even though this is an off-year on the federal and state levels, in New York City there will be critically important municipal elections that will impact the direction the city takes over the following four years. The mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough presidents and district attorneys will all be running for re-election, providing an important political arena for public engagement, but that’s not all. Because of term limits, many seats on the City Council will be coming open, meaning that there is the potential for vigorous, exciting and potentially direction-changing candidacies. Read up on the contenders. If you see someone who impresses you, find out how you can get involved in his or her campaign. Volunteers are the lifeblood of any successful effort, whether it’s going door-todoor or making phone calls on behalf of the candidate. Or, if you don’t find a candidate you can get behind, find a cause, whether it’s the environment, health care, immigration issues or gay rights. You can make a difference – a way bigger one than you possibly could on a beach in Cancun. QNS.COM 6 SPRING 2017

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