

IF YOU’RE SINGLE If you’re ready to mingle — As a college roommate of mine once said (over and over and over again), “these are the times of our lives!” There is no better place to be single and ready to mingle than on a college campus. From your classmates, to your neighbors down the hall, there are plenty of fi sh in the school’s sea, and plenty of freedom to, put it bluntly, do you. Don’t be afraid to ask that cute classmate if he or she has an extra pen, or attend something on campus you wouldn’t normally just to scope the scene. Whether you’re fl ying solo or riding with a pack of wingmen or women, there is plenty of opportunity for dating on-campus. And, if you’re not fi nding that special someone at a school function or on the quad, don’t be afraid to check out one of the many dozens of dating apps and websites out there. If you want to settle down — This one is tricky, but not impossible. Not all college-goers are looking to simply “have a good time,” as the world says. Some are looking to fi nd it all in college, including the person of his or her dreams. The right one could very well be out there for you; just be sure to keep your mind (and one eye) open on your quest. If you’re doing your own thing — Live your life. Do you. And have a damn good time doing it. IF YOU’RE TAKEN If your beau is nearby — Dating on a college campus can be exhilarating. Before you know it, you have may have someone who actually enjoys walking you to class, sharing food on the quad, and maybe even scheduling classes together. A few pro tips when dating someone you go to school with: Make sure you make time for yourself. When you date somebody you go to school with/may have classes with/could very well live down the hall from, it can be hard to still live separate lives sometimes. The quality of your time spent together is what matters, not the quantity. And, in the same breath… Don’t forget to make time for your friends. Both of you. It could cause unwanted tension down the line. Venture outside of campus. Not everything has to be, or should be lunch at the dining hall or a Saturday night frat party. Spice it up every once in a while. You won’t regret it. IF YOU’RE IN A LONGDISTANCE RELATIONSHIP Another tricky, but not impossible task. Love knows no boundaries, and no miles, if it’s real. Make sure to make time for the other person (as diffi cult as that can be when balancing schoolwork, friends and even keeping in touch with friends and family back home). That’s crucial, and needs to be double-sided. Plan trips and visits and keep countdowns handy. Let your signifi cant other in on the little things but, like in all good and healthy relationships, don’t be afraid to give a little space as well. What’s meant to be, will always be. QNS.COM 8 SPRING 2017

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