

42 MAY 25, 2017 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM TV GUIDE Friday Evening May 26, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) MacGyver: Large Blade. (TVPG) Ha waii Five-0: He Moho Hou. Blue Bloods: Whistle blow ers. CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) First Dates: Never Kissed. (N) Date line NBC (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Beat Shazam: Ep i sode One. Love Con nec tion: Ep i sode One. News (N) Street (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) Shark Tank Skate board. (TVPG) Shark Tank Santa re plies. (TVPG) (:01) 20/20 In ves ti ga tive news. News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Amer i can Ninja War rior (TVPG) Amer i can Ninja War rior (TVPG) Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud News (N) In side Edi tion CW 11 MLB Base ball: Oak land Ath let ics at New York Yan kees from Yan kee Sta dium (Live) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Wash. Week The Week (N) Amer i can Mas ters (TVPG) (N) Amer i can Mas ters: Al ice Wa ters. Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Wealth Trk (N) Death in Par a dise (TVPG) As Time Served? New Tricks: Lot tery Curse. Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe (TV14) La rosa de Guadalupe (TV14) La Doble vida de Estela Carrillo La Piloto (TV14) (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) El Capo Líder narco. (N) La querida del Centauro (N) La querida del Centauro (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Saturday Evening May 27, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 Paid Pro gram Paid Pro gram Scor pion: Civil War. (TV14) 48 Hours In ves ti ga tive re port 48 Hours In ves ti ga tive re port CBS 2 News Blue Bloods NBC 4 Talk Stoop 1st Look Fast & Fu ri ous 6 aaac (2013, Ac tion) Vin Die sel. Dominic and his team help agent Hobbs. ‘PG-13’ News (N) SNL (TV14) FOX 5 MLB Base ball: New York Mets at Pitts burgh Pi rates from PNC Park (Live) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) MasterChef Ju nior: Fi nale. (TV14) ABC 7 Sum mer Wheel (TV G) To Tell the Truth: Tracee Ellis. To Tell the Truth: Mike Tyson. 20/20 In ves ti ga tive news. Eye wit ness News Sat ur day (N) MNT 9 Ma jor Crimes: Ec stasy, Ag ony. Rizzoli & Isles: The Beast in Me. Rizzoli & Isles: Bang, Bang. An ger (TV14) An ger (TV14) Gi ants La tino (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TVPG) Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TVPG) News (N) Honeymooners Honeymooners PBS 13 Old House (N) Old House (N) Doc Mar tin: Old Dogs. (TVPG) Walk the Line (2005, Drama) Joaquin Phoe nix. The life of a ris ing coun try singer. ‘PG-13’ (:25) Can opy PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Ask This (N) Midsomer Midsomer Mur ders: Dance, Pt. 2. (:40) Vera: The Moth Catcher. (TVPG) The Kate: Maurice Hines. (TVPG) UNI 41 Fútbol Cen tral Fútbol Internacional: Croatia vs Mex ico (Directo) Fútbol MLS: Los An geles Gal axy vs San Jose Earth quakes (Directo) TEL 47 Shrek For ever Af ter (2010, Fan tasy) Mike Myers. Par al lel uni verse. ‘PG’ Guerra de ídolos (N) Noticiero (N) Titulares Sunday Evening May 28, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 60 Min utes (TVPG) (N) NCIS: Los An geles (TVPG) Madam Sec re tary: Sea Change. El e men tary: Folie a Deux. (TV14) CBS 2 News at 11PM (N) NBC 4 Date line NBC (N) Amer i can Ninja War rior (TVPG) Amer i can Ninja War rior: All Stars. All-star teams. (TVPG) News (N) News4 NY (N) FOX 5 (6:00) Mon ster En ergy NASCAR Cup Se ries: Coca-Cola 600.: from Char lotte Mo tor Speed way in Con cord, N.C. (Live) News (N) Sports Ex tra Mod Fam ily ABC 7 Amer ica’s Fun ni est Home Vid eos Amer ica’s Fun ni est Home Vid eos The Bachelorette Ra chel gets ad vice from close friends. (TV14) Eye wit ness News Sunday (N) MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Laughs (N) An ger (TV14) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Rules (TV14) Rules (TV14) Friends Friends News (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 New York Home (N) Na tional Me mo rial Day Con cert 2017 Me mo rial Day. Pre views (N) Na tional Me mo rial Day Con cert 2017 Me mo rial Day. Mas ter - piece PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Old House (N) An tiques Roadshow: Or lando. (N) Re mem ber Pearl Har bor (TVPG) (:25) Hold at All Costs A des per ate bat tle. (TVPG) UNI 41 Fútbol Liga MX: Fi nal, Vuelta. (Directo) Aquí y ahora Noticias. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Flushed ‘PG’ The Twi light Saga: Eclipse aa (2010, Fan tasy) Rob ert Pattinson. Feel ings sur face. ‘PG-13’ Don Fran cisco te invita (N) Noticiero (N) Titulares Monday Evening May 29, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Kevin Wait Man Plan Su pe rior 2 Broke Girls Scor pion: More Civil War. (TV14) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) 2017 Stan ley Cup Fi nal: Game 1. (Live) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Gotham: Hate Ma chine. (TV14) (N) (:01) Lu ci fer: The Good, Bad. (N) News (N) News Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) The Bachelorette (TVPG) (N) (:01) Still Star- Crossed (TV14) (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Law & Or der: SVU: Shadow. Law & Or der: SVU: Sav ior. (TV14) Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud News (N) In side Edi tion CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Supergirl: Supergirl. (TVPG) Whose Line Whose Line PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) An tiques Roadshow: Or lando. (N) An tiques Roadshow: Boston. In de pend ent Lens (TVPG) (N) Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus SciTech Now Na tional Me mo rial Day Con cert 2017 Me mo rial Day. D-Day: Over Nor mandy (N) Home (TVPG) Metro- Fo cus News (TVPG) UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe (TV14) La reina de la canción (N) La Doble vida de Estela Carrillo La Piloto (TV14) (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) El Capo Líder narco. (N) La querida del Centauro (N) La querida del Centauro (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Saturday Daytime May 27, 2017 12PM 12:30 1PM 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 CBS 2 Lcky Dog Pet Vet Paid Paid CBS Sports PGA Tour Golf (Live) NBC 4 Give Cham pion PGA Tour Cham pi ons (Live) Track & Field FOX 5 FA Cup FA Cup Soc cer: Fi nal. (Live) MLS MLS Soc cer: Port land vs Se at tle ABC 7 Rock Park Out back Sport Star Our World En ter tain (TVPG) TBA We Fans We the Fans MNT 9 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Blood and Choc o late (2007) ‘PG-13’ CW 11 Paid Paid Persn Int. (TV14) Per son In ter est El e men tary El e men tary PBS 13 Open Mind Cau cus Nu clear ‘NR’ In car cer a tion (N) Tana Amen, RN (TV G) Col i seum PBS 21 Keller Cook ing Kitchen Chow Ming Cook ing Mas ter piece: Dark An gel. (TVPG) UNI 41 Pagado Pagado El juego (TVPG) Lánzate! (TV14) González González Nosotros Nosotros TEL 47 SOS: Salva (N) Congo (1995) Laura Linney. ‘PG-13’ The Rock (1996) Sean Connery. ‘R’ Sunday Daytime May 28, 2017 12PM 12:30 1PM 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 CBS 2 Paid Paid ET (N) CBS Sports PGA Tour Golf (Live) NBC 4 2017 French Open: First Round. (Live) PGA Tour Cham pi ons (Live) FOX 5 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid A Knight’s Tale aaa (2001) ‘PG-13’ ABC 7 IndyCar Se ries: In di a nap o lis 500. (Live) X Games Jeop ardy MNT 9 NJNow Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid The X-Files Bones (TV14) CW 11 On Spot An i mal Paid Paid Two & Half Two & Half Two & Half Two & Half Man Stnd. Man Stnd. PBS 13 NYC Arts NJPAC (N) Nassau Col i seum (TV G) Real Food Kitchen Mar tha Kitchen PBS 21 An tiques (TV G) Kitchen Ciao Itali Kitchen Vg e tar ian NYC Arts NJPAC (N) Bare Feet UNI 41 Dice el dicho: 2. Tonta tonta pero no tanto ‘NR’ Rep. dep.: 1. Aquí y ahora TEL 47 Fútbol (Directo) Enfoque Goal II: Liv ing the Dream aa (2008) ‘PG-13’ Tuesday Evening May 30, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) NCIS: Non stop. (TVPG) Bull: The Neck lace. Bull’s in sight. 48 Hours: NCIS NCIS cases. CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) Amer ica’s Got Tal ent (TVPG) (N) World of Dance: Qual i fi ers 1. (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Le thal Weapon: Law men. (TV14) Prison Break Keep pro tect ing. (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) Down - ward (N) The Mid dle House - wife Imag i nary (N) House - wife black-ish News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang The X-Files: Milagro. (TV14) The X-Files: The Un nat u ral. Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud News (N) In side Edi tion CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half The Flash: Flashpoint. (TVPG) iZombie: Twenty Sided. (TV14) (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Vic to rian Slum House (TVPG) (N) Amer i can Epic: Out of the Many, the One. (TVPG) (N) Frontline: Be ing Mor tal. Char lie Rose PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus NYC Arts The Doc tor Blake Mys ter ies Fa ther Brown: Lepi dop ter ist’s. Mas ter piece: Ar thur & George. Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Chico rico. La reina de la canción (N) La Doble vida de Estela Carrillo La Piloto (TV14) (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) El Capo Líder narco. (N) La querida del Centauro (N) La querida del Centauro (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Wednesday Evening May 31, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) NCIS: Los An geles (TV14) Crim i nal Minds: Keeper. (TV14) Crim i nal Minds: Be yond Bor ders CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) Lit tle Big Shots A news caster. (N) Car- mi chael Carmi chael This Is Us In ter sect ing lives. News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily MasterChef: Bat tle, Pt. 1. (N) The F Word: Ep i sode One. (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) Goldbergs Speech - less Mod Fam ily (:31) black-ish Still Star-Crossed: In Fair Ve ro na. News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Mar vel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Mar vel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud News (N) In side Edi tion CW 11 MLB Base ball: New York Yan kees at Bal ti more Ori oles from Ori ole Park at Cam den Yards (Live) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld: Nap. Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Na ture: Touch ing. Mule deer herd. NOVA: Poi soned Wa ters. (N) Food - De li cious Sci ence (N) Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Re port (TV G) Mas ter piece: Downton Ab bey V. Mys tery solved. As Time East- End ers East- End ers Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe (TV14) La reina de la canción (N) La Doble vida de Estela Carrillo La Piloto (TV14) (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) El Capo Líder narco. (N) La querida del Centauro (N) La querida del Centauro (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Thursday Evening June 1, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Big Bang (:31) Su pe rior Mom (TV14) Life in Pieces The Amaz ing Race (TVPG) (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Hol ly - wood (N) Chi cago Fire: One Hun dred. Chi cago Med: Cold Front. (TV14) Law & Or der: SVU (TV14) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Beat Shazam: Ep i sode Two. (N) Love Con nec tion (TV14) (N) News (N) News (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) Kimmel (N) NBA Count 2017 NBA Fi nals: Game 1. (Live) News (N) (:35) TBA MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Bones: Meat head. Jer sey Shore. Bones: Body Bounty. (TV14) Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud News (N) In side Edi tion CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Su per nat u ral: The Foundry. Su per nat u ral: Night mare. (TV14) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) NYC Arts (N) Metro- Fo cus Roy Orbison: Black & White Night 30 (TV G) Joe Bonamassa: Live at the Greek Thea tre (TV G) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus WLIW (TV G) New York 1st De gree ‘R’ Na ture: Touch ing. Mule deer herd. NOVA: Poi soned Wa ters. (N) Metro- Fo cus News (TVPG) UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe (TV14) La reina de la canción (N) La Doble vida de Estela Carrillo La Piloto (TV14) (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) El Capo Líder narco. (N) La querida del Centauro (N) La querida del Centauro (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES

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