

WE THE PEOPLE 14 BROOKLYN MEDIA GROUP • SEPTEMBER 2 - SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 16 BROOKLYN MEDIA GROUP • JUNE 5 - JUNE 11, 2014 Double Hospital decked situation headline BY WE BRIAN WE KERIN THE in THE to need fit alloted of triage space PEOPLE PEOPLE Long Island College Hospital seems to be destined to go the way of Victory Memorial Hospital, Peninsula Hospital and St. Vincent’s Hospital. All of the proposed plans are short on service to the public and long on dollars in the pockets of developers. Double decked headline to fit alloted space “Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a 16 BROOKLYN MEDIA GROUP • JUNE 5 - JUNE 11, 2014 Hospital situation in need of triage Long Island College Hospital seems to be destined to go the way of Victory Memorial Hospital, Peninsula Hospital and St. Vincent’s Hospital. All of the proposed plans are short on service to the public and long on dollars in the pockets of developers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod Double decked headline to fit alloted space risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, laoreet et condimentum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi nisi, viverra sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus. Nam consequat Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod “Mayor de Blasio has ful lled an incredible risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, laoreet et condimentum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi nisi, viverra sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus. Nam consequat risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, laoreet et condimentum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi nisi, viverra sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus. Nam consequat tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit ante sed felis a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat amount of his promises in a very short Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a fantasy that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. “Mayor de Blasio has ful lled an incredible commodo tristique. Morbi quis felis viverra massa cursus ante sed felis commodo tristique. Morbi quis felis viverra massa cursus risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, time. laoreet condimentum Ut nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi nisi, viverra sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus. Nam consequat sit amet urna libero, nec blandit tortor. vestibulum. Ut sit amet urna libero, nec blandit tortor. ante sed felis Sed tellus erat, commodo tristique. Morbi quis felis viverra massa cursus blandit Sed sed tellus rutrum erat, vitae, rutrum non lorem. Cras sapien risus, ullamcorper ut rhoncus ut, vulputate id ante. Nulla varius, fantasy that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. blandit sed rutrum vitae, vestibulum.rutrum non Ut lorem.sit amet Cras urna sapien libero, risus, massa nec ullamcorper ut rhoncus pulvinar blandit tortor. ut, vulputate congue euismod,id ante. Nulla eros odio varius, Sed tellus erat, amount of his promises in a very short Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a fantasy time. that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. viverra quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse condimentum, erat eget posuere malesuada, leo tellus varius arcu, a rutrum mi lacus vel turpis. Quisque ac massa nunc, id lacinia ligula. Donec vitae metus ac lacus fermentum ornare. Pellenesque tincidunt ligula non velit tristique adipiscing. Nullam laoreet leo vel nibh condimentum eu massa pulvinar congue euismod, eros odio Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet, auctor id ante. Pellentesque vel vestibulum blandit sed rutrum vitae, rutrum non lorem. Cras sapien risus, ullamcorper ut rhoncus ut, vulputate id ante. Nulla varius, viverra quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse condimentum, erat eget posuere malesuada, leo tellus varius arcu, a rutrum mi lacus vel turpis. Quisque ac massa nunc, id lacinia ligula. Donec vitae metus ac lacus fermentum ornare. Pellenesque tincidunt ligula non velit tristique adipiscing. Nullam laoreet leo vel nibh condimentum eu Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. Vestibulum nec nisl magna. Duis tincidunt gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet ut. Sed eu massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis quis adipiscing pulvinar, mattis vel purus. Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet,sem. auctor Cras id lobortis ante. lorem Pellentesque at lectus vel pretium vestibulum feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros porttitor feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros porttitor massa pulvinar congue euismod, eros odio viverra quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse condimentum, erat eget posuere malesuada, leo tellus varius arcu, a rutrum mi lacus vel turpis. Quisque ac massa nunc, id lacinia ligula. Donec vitae metus ac lacus fermentum ornare. Pellenesque tincidunt ligula non velit tristique adipiscing. Nullam laoreet leo vel nibh condimentum eu BY BRIAN KERIN Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermentum. fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis BY BRIAN KERIN diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermentum. BY BRIAN KIERAN fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus Vestibulum a felis at nec lacus tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. nisl magna. Duis tincidunt gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet ut. Sed eu massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis quis adipiscing pulvinar, mattis vel purus. sem. Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium nec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, non interdum Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem mauris semper dapibus idm ornare id. Aenean congue feugiat arcu, non ultrices interdum metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestibulum metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam sem rutrum tincidunt bibendum.molestie Integer mi, tincidunt malesuada vestibulum elit commodo vel vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. Brian Kieran is a community activist who works for the State of New York and is a Democrat. elit commodo vel vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. Brian Kieran is a community activist who works for the State of New York and is a Democrat. Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet, auctor id ante. Pellentesque vel vestibulum sem. Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros porttitor The Major Leagues Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. Vestibulum nec nisl magna. Duis tincidunt gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet ut. Sed eu massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis quis adipiscing pulvinar, mattis vel purus. Let us never forget COMMON SENSE Double Double decked headline COMMON to to fit fit alloted decked space headline SENSE alloted space “Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a I long for the old days of Major League Baseball. The Kings County Memorial Day Parade was simply awesome. The line of march was one of the longest in years with literally thousands of spectators lining Third Avenue enjoying the bands and cheering the marchers. The Gold Star Mothers were the grand marshals. The Conservative Party’s 31st consecutive POW/MIA ceremony held at Look Out Point at 81st diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, nec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada BY JERRY KASAR COMMON SENSE I long for a time when a team playing no better than .500 ball could not be only two or three games back from being in a position to go to the post-season. I am a forever Mets fan. I am also someone who likes to watch good baseball. The Mets for the most part after the first month of the season have been playing anything but good baseball. Yet, with barely a .500 record, they are only two or three games out of the second BY JERRY KASAR COMMON SENSE Double decked headline to fit alloted space “Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing I can hardly think of a more worthy a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit group. These moms who wear the distinctive gold star pin have given to the defense of our nation and protection of our freedoms their sons and daughters. They could not give more. Always a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincidunt “There are 1,642 individuals who remain risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, laoreet et condimentum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi nisi, viverra sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus. Nam consequat ante sed felis commodo tristique. Morbi quis felis viverra massa cursus vestibulum. Ut sit amet urna libero, nec blandit tortor. Sed tellus erat, blandit sed rutrum vitae, rutrum non lorem. Cras sapien risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, wild card playoff position. It just does not laoreet et condimentum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi nisi, viverra sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus. Nam consequat ante sed felis commodo tristique. Morbi quis felis viverra massa cursus vestibulum. Ut sit amet urna libero, nec blandit tortor. Sed tellus erat, blandit sed rutrum vitae, rutrum non lorem. Cras sapien Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing seem right. I also do not honor like and the respect replay rule. The trade-off for possibly more accurate calls is a slow-up in the game that I think hurts the team at bat and frustrates the fans. I had always believed in the pre-replay days that, for the most part, bad calls evened out. And today, with the replay rule, umpires Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. Vestibulum nec nisl elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit these moms. Our elected offi - cials including Congressmember a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod Street and Shore Road was very well attended. The party for the past several years has been joined by the St. Anselm’s Boy Scout troop which boasts one of the largest numbers of Eagle Scouts of any troops in the nation. This year two Eagle Scouts were in attendance. There are 1,642 individuals who remain sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis missing and BY BY JERRY KASSAR KASAR lectus.munity Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis protec- lobortis, libero eros porttitor diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. This is six fewer than last year due to successful efforts lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincidunt “I had always believed in the pre-replay missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. magna. Duis t i n c i d u n t gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet ut. Sed eu massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a fantasy that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. Vestibulum in identifying nec nisl the remains of a days that, for the most part, handful of individuals that had been located and returned. The process of identifying remains is painstaking and can take many months. The last soldier identifi ed was Captain Douglas Ferguson, USAF, shot down over Laos on December bad calls evened out. It is diffi cult to believe that, as the city grows, the population increases and the economy prospers, citizens need fewer hospitals and health service resources. Do we need a Starbucks, chain drug store and bank on every corner but no hospitals? The slim hope is the company that wins the proposal contest will be obligated to provide a large emergency medical facility to compensate for the loss of the full service hospital it will replace. Newly-elected Congressmember Hakeem Jefferies took an opportunity to complain that the NYPD is making too many low-level marijuana arrests in New York City. He hinted that this may be an indication that Mayor de Blasio is really not serious about following through on his campaign promises to assure the NYPD scrupulously honors individual citizens civil rights. He stated that the “new administration promised change but instead we get more of the same.” That is not true. The number of arrests for low-level marijuana possession has dropped and NYPD policy is not to force a suspect to display small amounts of pot in order to make an arrest. Governor Cuomo has proposed decriminalizing possession of 15 grams or less of pot whether hidden or in plain view, which would take this controversy and its attendant political baggage off the table. It would be nice to let police offi cers perform their duties instead of being pawns in a political chess game. Mayor de Blasio has fulfi lled an incredible amount of his promises in a very short time. He has imposed the extra protection of an inspector general for the NYPD and signed off on the laws passed by the City WE THE PEOPLE BY BRIAN KERIN diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Council which may leave police offi cers subject to lawsuits Donec eleifend for negligent magna performance non justo fringilla of their duties. fermentum. He has provided universal pre K without a tax increase. He is settling the outstanding municipal worker contracts neglected by Mike Bloomberg for the next mayor to handle. He is championing Vision Zero to reduce traffi c fatalities to zero. It is unfair to question his commitment to his ideals or to the fulfi llment of his promises. The City Council will pass 11 laws and four resolutions Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur to create suscipit a Vision enim Zero sed environment metus adipiscing for our imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus streets. The new laws provide a lower speed limit for city streets and enhanced penalties for reckless drivers. The state legislature must approve the changes. We also need the state legislature to provide a reasonable number of speed cameras to enforce the new laws. Let us hope that our legislators will work together as a group to see that these changes and improvements are made quickly. Brian Kieran is an attorney who works as a Principal Law Clerk in the Supreme Court of the State of New York in Kings County and is a Democrat. nec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, non interdum mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestibulum sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada elit commodo vel vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. Brian Kieran is a community activist who works for the State of New York and is a Democrat. risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, Michael laoreet et condimentum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi Grimm,nisi, viverra State Senator sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus.Marty Golden,Nam consequat Assemblymembers ante sed felis commodo tristique. Morbi Nicole quis felis viverra massa cursus vestibulum. Ut sit amet urna libero, nec blandit tortor. Sed tellus erat, blandit sed rutrum vitae, rutrum non lorem. Cras sapien are less stressed to get it right. That is not Malliotakis and Alec Brook-Krasny as well as Councilmember Vincent Gentile all participated. a good thing. And risus,with ullamcorper ut rhoncus a ut,162- vulputate game season resulting in 10 out of 30 teams making it to the post-season, baseball runs from April to the very beginning of November. That is too long and too late a season, So did the Kings County Conservative Party risus, ullamcorper id ante. Nulla and Bay Ridge Democrats. Domenic Recchia had individuals handing out campaign literature as they attempted to sign people up to vote. Considering the overwhelmingly ut rhoncus ut, vulputate varius, massa pulvinar id ante. Nulla congue euismod, varius, massa pulvinar especially if, like last year, two teams from eros odio congue viverra euismod,quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse condimentum, erat eget posuere the northeast or midwest are in the World Series. positive reception the Conservative eros odio risus,viverra malesuada, ullamcorper quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse leo tellus condimentum,varius arcu, erat a rutrum eget posuere Party received, the liberal Recchia group ut rhoncus ut, vulputate may malesuada,have found id ante. leo the wrong parade to conduct a registration drive. Nulla tellus varius arcu, a rutrum Live and learn. mi varius,lacus vel massa turpis.pulvinar Quisque ac massa nunc, id lacinia ligula. Donec vitae *** metus ac lacus fermentum congue euismod, fantasy that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. ornare. Pellenesque tincidunt ligula non velit Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet, auctor id ante. Pellentesque vel vestibulum sem. Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum vitae, molestie a eros odio viverra quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse condimentum, erat eget posuere tristique adipiscing. Nullam laoreet leo vel nibh condimentum eu malesuada, leo tellus varius arcu, a rutrum magna. Duis t i n c i d u n t gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet quis adipiscing ut. Sed eu pulvinar, massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis 30, 1969.His remains were recovered on April mattis vel 13, 2013 and identifi ed on February 14, 2014. purus. We are seeing more and more homes in Dyker Heights enclosed in stainless steel bars on all fl oors and heavy stainless steel security doors. I fi nd this trend extremely disturbing. The community quis adipiscing pulvinar, Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, non interdum metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestibulum elit commodo vel vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. Brian Kieran is a community activist who works for the State of New York and is a Democrat. mattis vel purus. *** Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet, auctor id ante. Pellentesque vel vestibulum sem. Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium feugiat remains as safe as ever. The new protections seem to appear only on recently purchased homes and refl ect security. Homes BY a JERRY different KASAR cultural view on like this have existed in great numbers in the Sunset Park area for many years and sit are amet really risus.not Fusce positive iaculis additions magna to any community. The homes themselves look horrible and, worse yet, they make the whole area around them appear trashy. And, frankly, instead of offering lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros porttitor diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque additional security protection, they more sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna than likely attract unwanted attention from potential vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse burglars potenti.who fi gure Proin these sed homes interdum contain justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing imperdiet.Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus the nec greatest ornare.number Integer of sit valuables. amet volutpat turpis. Community outreach by civic and government groups ligula as well mollis as sit elected amet. Maecenas offi cials odio explaining quam the disadvantages of the heavy security from both an aesthetic as well as security perspective is necessary, or we will be confronted with large sections of our community looking like safety deposit box holding cells. Jerry Kassar is the chairperson of the Kings County Conservative Party. He is a longtime community activist who has served as an offi cer or member of many organizations. He works for the state of New York. nec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem sem semper rutrum idm bibendum.ornare congue Integer arcu,malesuada non interdum mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestibulum sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada Visit for the latest local news *** A hearty congratulations to the U.S. Olympic Team which once again came away with the most medals in all three categories. I enjoyed watching many of the events and was so very much impressed not only with the ability of the athletes but also with their sportsmanship and patriotism. I think many Americans were surprised to hear that the federal and state governments tax the estimated intrinsic value of the medals and the prize award the athletes receive for winning a medal. Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis on a state level and U.S. Senator Charles Schumer on a federal level want to exempt these relatively minor amounts of income from federal and state taxes for the handful of Americans skilled enough to win a medal. They believe it would be an appropriate show of respect from a nation that is proud of their accomplishments. And although a few athletics will sign promotional deal, the overwhelming majority will not. In fact, many have financially sacrificed in order to find the time to train and compete. Senator Schumer has introduced legislation in Congress and Assemblymember Malliotakis plans to introduce legislation in the upcoming session in Albany. *** Bill DeBlasio takes a lot of vacations. Maybe he should take more. Andrew Cuomo never leaves the state, arguing what if he were away and something happened. Too much happens that he causes when he is in town. You too should go away more. These two guys deserve each other and I am so happy that they have such a warm and fuzzy relationship. Actually we should all be concerned about how poorly they get along. There seems to be more than a little evidence that decisions are made in Albany and to a lesser degree at City Hall based solely on how it would affect one or the other negatively in their sour relationship. From a public policy perspective, this is not the way to run a government. Next year, when the mayor comes up for re-election, this should all be placed under a microscope by the voting public. Both the mayor and governor need to explain why any of us should continue to tolerate this bad behavior. Jerry Kassar is the chairperson of the Kings County Conservative Party. He is a longtime community activist who has served as an officer or member of many organizations. He works for the state of New York. Whither the wind? Trump supporters are akin to channellers, people who can convey thoughts or messages from supernatural sources, when they try to put a positive spin on his incessant flip-flops. The DNC should arrange protesters to greet Trump at rallies with a shower of actual flip-flops like Republican groups did to John Kerry in 2004. Trump supporters claim he is “evolving” and that Trump 2.0 is a “kinder and gentler” capitalist who really cares about African-Americans and minorities more than Democrats. Trump maintains that because he is “different” they should vote for him to reverse any diminution of economic power and civil rights they have experienced. He claims he will strongly support “choice” in education and this will give inner-city children an alternative to public schools which have failed. He hopes that “choice” will resonate positively with urban and minority voters. He omits any explanation about how “free market” educators will guarantee the good results that elude public school educators. However, he doesn’t have to explain trifling details because he is the Doninator. He, in Hollywood fashion, promises to terminate all problems in America and eliminate all enemies of America. He cannot explain how he will do anything or why he would be better prepared for the challenge. Mere promises, especially fantastic and constantly changing ones, are no substitute for solutions. Trump supporters pooh-pooh Hillary Clinton when she claims Trump is “xenophobic, racist, misogynistic.” However, the kinder and gentler Trump, while acknowledging there are “great” people among the 11 million people he has promised to deport, still promises to build a wall and throw out all 11 million undocumented individuals. He has not retracted his claim that illegal Mexican immigrants are rapists. He continues to insist he’ll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. He fails to provide details on how it will be built or how he will force Mexico to pay for it. However, in a recent interview, he sounded like Jeb Bush as he discussed an exemption from deportation for law-abiding undocumented Americans. He still offers no plan or answer to questions that will be raised by mass deportation including what to do with elementary school children born in America after their undocumented parents are deported. Trump promises urban and minority voters he will eradicate crime but fails to acknowledge that good policies and great police work have already reduced crime in most American cities. On gun violence, the most he can do to distance himself from NRA gun policies is to promise fewer rules and background checks to make it easier for Americans to get guns legally. Trump supported gun control before he was a candidate. Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of being a bigot and then whines that she is a negative campaigner when she responds to his ugly and unsupported rhetoric.If Trump’s best argument for African-Americans and minorities to support him is that Democrats have not ideally served them over the past 50 years, then he has already lost the election. His bizarre comments and position flip-flops will not help him. Trump supporters portray the flip-flops as “pivots” to appeal to minorities and college-educated whites but he is unable to abandon the simplistic and impractical promises made on education, immigration and crime without alienating the voters who gave him the Republican nomination. This recent mouthing of less negative statements may sound better but it is at odds with his nationalist, protectionist and xenophobic positions. His twists in the wind are an acknowledgment that the Republican Party cannot and should not win with Trump. Brian Kieran is an attorney who works as a Principal Law Clerk in the Supreme Court of the State of New York in Kings County and is a Democrat. It is diffi cult to believe that, as the city grows, the population increases and the economy prospers, citizens need fewer hospitals and health service resources. Do we need a Starbucks, chain drug store and bank on every corner but no hospitals? The slim hope is the company that wins the proposal contest will be obligated to provide a large emergency medical facility to compensate for the loss of the full service hospital it will replace. Newly-elected Congressmember Hakeem Jefferies took an opportunity to complain that the NYPD is making too many low-level marijuana arrests in New York City. He hinted that this may be an indication that Mayor de Blasio is really not serious about following through on his campaign promises to assure the NYPD scrupulously honors individual citizens civil rights. He stated that the “new administration promised change but instead we get more of the same.” That is not true. The number of arrests for low-level marijuana possession has dropped and NYPD policy is not to force a suspect to display small amounts of pot in order to make an arrest. Governor Cuomo has proposed decriminalizing possession of 15 grams or less of pot whether hidden or in plain view, which would take this controversy and its attendant political baggage off the table. It would be nice to let police offi cers perform their duties instead of being pawns in a political chess game. Mayor de Blasio has fulfi lled an incredible amount of his promises in a very short time. He has imposed the extra protection of an inspector general for the NYPD and signed off on the laws passed by the City Council which may leave police offi cers subject to lawsuits for negligent performance of their duties. He has provided universal pre K without a tax increase. He is settling the outstanding municipal worker contracts neglected by Mike Bloomberg for the next mayor to handle. He is championing Vision Zero to reduce traffi c fatalities to zero. It is unfair to question his commitment to his ideals or to the fulfi llment of his promises. The City Council will pass 11 laws and four resolutions to create a Vision Zero environment for our streets. The new laws provide a lower speed limit for city streets and enhanced penalties for reckless drivers. The state legislature must approve the changes. We also need the state legislature to provide a reasonable number of speed cameras to enforce the new laws. Let us hope that our legislators will work together as a group to see that these changes and improvements are made quickly. Brian Kieran is an attorney who works as a Principal Law Clerk in the Supreme Court of the State of New York in Kings County and is a Democrat. Visit for the latest local news mi lacus vel turpis. Quisque ac massa nunc, id lacinia ligula. Donec vitae metus ac lacus fermentum ornare. Pellenesque tincidunt ligula non velit tristique adipiscing. Nullam laoreet leo vel nibh condimentum eu tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. Vestibulum nec nisl magna. Duis t i n c i d u n t gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet ut. Sed eu massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis quis adipiscing pulvinar, mattis vel purus. Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet, auctor id ante.Pellentesque vel vestibulum sem. Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros porttitor diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus nec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, non interdum mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestibulum sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada elit commodo vel vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. Brian Kieran is a community activist who works for the State of New York and is a Democrat. fantasy that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. The Kings County Memorial Day Parade was simply awesome. The line of march was one of the longest in years with literally thousands of spectators lining Third Avenue enjoying the bands and cheering the marchers. The Gold Star Mothers were the grand marshals. I can hardly think of a more worthy group. These moms who wear the distinctive gold star pin have given to the defense of our nation and protection of our freedoms their sons and daughters. They could not give more. Always honor and respect these moms. Our elected offi - cials including Congressmember Michael Grimm, State Senator Marty Golden, Assemblymembers Nicole Malliotakis and Alec Brook-Krasny as well as Councilmember Vincent Gentile all participated. So did the Kings County Conservative Party and Bay Ridge Democrats. Domenic Recchia had individuals handing out campaign literature as they attempted to sign people up to vote. Considering the overwhelmingly positive reception the Conservative Party received, the liberal Recchia group may have found the wrong parade to conduct a registration drive. Live and learn. *** The Conservative Party’s 31st consecutive POW/MIA ceremony held at Look Out Point at 81st Street and Shore Road was very well attended. The party for the past several years has been joined by the St. Anselm’s Boy Scout troop which boasts one of the largest numbers of Eagle Scouts of any troops in the nation. This year two Eagle Scouts were in attendance. There are 1,642 individuals who remain missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. This is six fewer than last year due to successful efforts in identifying the remains of a handful of individuals that had been located and returned. The process of identifying remains is painstaking and can take many months. The last soldier identifi ed was Captain Douglas Ferguson, USAF, shot down over Laos on December 30, 1969.His remains were recovered on April 13, 2013 and identifi ed on February 14, 2014. *** We are seeing more and more homes in Dyker Heights enclosed in stainless steel bars on all fl oors and heavy stainless steel security doors. I fi nd this trend extremely disturbing. The community remains as safe as ever. The new protections seem to appear only on recently purchased homes and refl ect a different cultural view on security. Homes like this have existed in great numbers in the Sunset Park area for many years and are really not positive additions to any community. The homes themselves look horrible and, worse yet, they make the whole area around them appear trashy. And, frankly, instead of offering additional security protection, they more than likely attract unwanted attention from potential burglars who fi gure these homes contain the greatest number of valuables. Community outreach by civic and government groups as well as elected offi cials explaining the disadvantages of the heavy security from both an aesthetic as well as security perspective is necessary, or we will be confronted with large sections of our community looking like safety deposit box holding cells. Jerry Kassar is the chairperson of the Kings County Conservative Party. He is a longtime community activist who has served as an offi cer or member of many organizations. He works for the state of New York. “There are 1,642 individuals who remain missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. ante sed felis commodo tristique. Morbi quis felis viverra massa cursus vestibulum. Ut sit amet urna libero, nec blandit tortor. Sed tellus erat, blandit sed rutrum vitae, rutrum non lorem. Cras sapien risus, ullamcorper ut rhoncus ut, vulputate id ante. Nulla varius, massa pulvinar congue euismod, eros odio viverra quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse condimentum, erat eget posuere malesuada, leo tellus varius arcu, a rutrum mi lacus vel turpis. Quisque ac massa nunc, id lacinia ligula. Donec vitae metus ac lacus fermentum ornare. Pellenesque tincidunt ligula non velit tristique adipiscing. Nullam laoreet leo vel nibh condimentum eu tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. Vestibulum nec nisl magna. Duis tincidunt gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet ut. Sed eu massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis quis adipiscing pulvinar, mattis vel purus. Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet, auctor id ante. Pellentesque vel vestibulum sem. Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros porttitor diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus nec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, non interdum mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestibulum sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada elit commodo vel vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. Brian Kieran is a community activist who works for the State of New York and is a Democrat. Double decked headline to fit alloted space “Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a fantasy that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed urna in sem ornare blandit a in turpis. In nunc velit, volutpat nec vehicula ut, dapibus vitae neque. Aliquam semper euismod risus ut luctus. Pellentesque sem metus, laoreet et condimentum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed mi nisi, viverra sed consectetur ac, suscipit quis metus. Nam consequat ante sed felis commodo tristique. Morbi quis felis viverra massa cursus vestibulum. Ut sit amet urna libero, nec blandit tortor. Sed tellus erat, blandit sed rutrum vitae, rutrum non lorem. Cras sapien risus, ullamcorper ut rhoncus ut, vulputate id ante.Nulla varius, massa pulvinar congue euismod, eros odio viverra quam, a vulputate nisi elit eu mauris. Suspendisse condimentum, erat eget posuere malesuada, leo tellus varius arcu, a rutrum mi lacus vel turpis. Quisque ac massa nunc, id lacinia ligula. Donec vitae metus ac lacus fermentum ornare. Pellenesque tincidunt ligula non velit tristique adipiscing. Nullam laoreet leo vel nibh condimentum eu tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iaculis iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui purus. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. Proin non lacus orci, eu ultrices tellus. Vestibulum nec nisl magna. Duis t i n c i d u n t gravida lorem, a dictum leo imperdiet ut. Sed eu massa in leo eleifend viverra. Proin eros sem, convallis quis adipiscing pulvinar, mattis vel purus. Fusce sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit amet, auctor id ante. Pellentesque vel vestibulum sem. Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros porttitor diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tellus nec ornare.Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet lorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, non interdum mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestibulum sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada elit commodo vel vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. Brian Kieran is a community activist who works for the State of New York and is a Democrat. Double decked headline to fit alloted space “Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a fantasy that, if he had more power, everything would be okay. When so much is at stake, it is not the time to make political statements or play games”. munity protec- Let us never forget BY BRIAN KIERAN BY KASSAR “If Trump’s best argument for African Americans and minorities to support him is that Democrats have not ideally served them over the past 50 years, then he has already lost the election.

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